BBB Bike Parts & Accessories
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Over the years BBB has evolved into far more than just bike parts. We have created a range of over 1500 cycling products, spread out over more than 40 product groups and available in 38 countries worldwide. In this extensive range you can find virtually any kind of cycling product from Bike Wear, through Accessories to Parts. BBB has the fortunate coincidence to be based in the Netherlands. A small country with more bikes than inhabitants. Saying cycling is part of our lives would be a gross understatement, cycling is simply in our blood. This profound understanding of cycling is one of the most important factors in our vision and drive to create better cycling products for any kind of cyclist. Everyone at BBB rides bikes on a nearly daily basis. So, for example, if a prototype is not ready for production, it simply doesn’t get introduced and is further improved until ready for real world usage. This leads to products that survive when being put through the grind by our product testers or mounted on the bikes of pros in the international racing circuit. The final results are good and no nonsense. They simply perform like they’re meant to do. Whether you’re a seasoned pro, die-hard daily commuter or an occasional weekend warrior. Whatever you would need to enjoy your ride more, we have a high quality product and offer you good value for money. From helmets that are good enough to be worn by the pro riders from teams that compete in the Tour de France, to our test-winning DiscStop brake pads, there’s something there for everybody. That’s why we feel we can truly say that BBB is All About Cycling.