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The Week That Was in Cycling Social Media (Week 2)

The world of cycling social media has started to hot up again for the new year. 

Unfortunately Lance is dominating the cycling news. I personally feel his exposé on Oprah will be nothing more than a publicity sham. I could be wrong, but I would have preferred to have an experienced, passionate cyclist to interview him. Not a media-hyped talk show host.

Enough about Lance. I think this facebook post from Salty Dog Bike sums up what this has turned into:


Lance Clown


The most common / shared post I have seen this week questions if we really need a car. Looks like the humble bke can do it all:

Do you need a car


My favorite pin of the week. I couldn't agree more, that's why I've been doing it all my life.

Fun Riding a bike


 Well this is true, but as we know, it's lots of fun.

Love is a bike


 How to spot a lady cyclist:

Lady Cyclist


Now that's what I call Mountain Biking.

Mountain Biking

SamAuthor: Sam Spencer
Sam has been a keen cyclist since he learned how to walk. Starting with BMX at a young age, he then participated in many areas of competitive cycling. A regular commuter, Sam has worked as a cycling instructor and coach for an outdoor education program.

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